Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday - Gettysburg (Photos and Hilarious Captions)

The day begins...

Cyclorama!!! The painting is about the size of a football field from one back of the endzone to another. Very cool.

This dude was a 70-years old, War of 1812 vet who demanded to fight at Gettysburg. Gotta love the patriotism and question the sanity.

Reynolds was one of the Union's best generals, but was killed at the beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg. I knew I wanted to see where he was shot, so I asked a guy where it was. "In the head." Har-har-har.

Hell, yeah.

Home sweet home to me.

The Man.

The Copse of Trees Lee told the Rebels to get to on Pickett's (and Trimble and Pettigrew's) fatal charge. It is also the only time in human history anyone has used the word "copse."

Armistead was shot here (though he probably actually got further).

High Water Mark of the Confederacy - close, but no cigar at Gettysburg.

The Rebels got here, but couldn't hold it against the Union's interior lines.

Meade - congrats on winning the biggest battle of the war and nobody knows anything about you. That is what happens when you let a defeated army retreat across a river and allow the war to continue for two more years. Should've been Reynolds, not you.

Gettysburg Address - though they've decided Lincoln actually gave it a few yards away from the monument.

This dude was grossing people out talking about amputating limbs. Said they would poor freezing chloroform below the belt on patients who didn't wake up after surgery. Pervert.

George Greene - the Joshua Chamberlain of Culp's Hill who didn't get any love in The Killer Angels.

Thanks for freeing the slaves, man. And I'd like a pony and a new bike.

Makes about as much sense as some of the other stuff people say is ordained by God.

Cool collage of dead Confederates from Gettysburg. I had a baseball card poster like this that was much less depressing.

Union collage.

Criticism of the Gettysburg Address. The word "silly" doesn't come to mind. The hat? A little silly. "Of the people, by the people, for the people"? - Not that silly.

Longstreet - contemplating ways to screw up Lee's plans at Gettysburg.

Little Round Top on the Left; Round Top on the right.

Chamberlain's 20th Maine - the heroes of Little Round Top. "Fix bayonets!!!"

Seems like a bit of cheap shot at the end, doesn't it?

Me & Gouverneur Warren trying to figure out what the hell Sickles is doing moving his troops forward into the Devil's Den.


Random guy photographed so you can see how big the boulders are at Devil's Den. It is like Rock City in the middle of a battlefield.

Slaughter Pen

Devil's Den

View of Little Round Top from Devil's Den

Me & Devil's Den.


  1. Fun reading. Is that a spectacular carpenter mustache?

  2. The Summer of 2011 Goatee - only has about another week of life left in it.
