Monday, August 1, 2011

Antietam & Harpers Ferry (Photos)

Dunker Church - called this because they were Baptists who dunked people. Cool.

Inside of the church - I don't know how you were supposed to worship God with all the distractions in there. Also, men sat on one side and women on the other.

Wadley & The Cornfield

See me?

Here I am! That is some tough fighting in a cornfield. Thick, hot and cramped. I did take some corn to cook later.

I love Bloody Cornfields!!!

Bloody Lane from the observation tower. I wish there were more observation towers in my life.

Burnside Bridge - notice how high the ground is ahead. The Union was supposed to cross the bridge (while Georgians picked them off from the upper left of the photo) and then scale that hill. They eventually did it, but it took a whole lotta dead federals to pull it off.

Where John Brown shot it out with Robert E. Lee & the U.S. army. Harpers Ferry is unimpressive from a historical perspective, but a very pretty little corner of the country. And there is no apostrophe in Harpers despite the fact I have put one there for all 10 years of my teaching career.

But it only feels like 107...

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