Friday, August 5, 2011

Petersburg to Charleston (Photos)

Petersburg mortar - welcome to modern warfare

Where they now shoot bowling balls at you.

Holy crap. This ain't Gettysburg anymore.

You can see two types of artillery behind the giant walls that make zig-zags so the enemy couldn't lay down enfilade fire down the line like they did at Antietam.

Fort Steadman - they basically built a fort inside the earthworks.

The Crater itself - disappointing in size but only because the earth has been repairing itself. It was massive when it happened. The guys going in were convinced it was going to be such an explosion to blow them up too as they waited to charge. That, and their commanding officer being drunk in his tent, help explain why they climbed into the hole instead of attacking around it.

The mine opening where they started building the tunnel to create the Crater. It is barricaded because some idiots tried to go in. I would totally have tried to go in if it hadn't been barricaded.

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